Giveaways & Promotions

Publishers can give products away through the ONE Platform, typically for a limited time, creating unique marketing opportunities to:

  • Sell more books
  • Get more book reviews 
  • Increase awareness of your product 
  • Increase the number of readers finishing books (those who read the entire book are more apt to tell friends about how the content impacted their life and review the content)
  • Create “bundles” by offering the audiobook to those who purchase the book along with other products
  • Offer bonus content that can’t be found anywhere else
  • Grow email lists

What are promos?

Promos are limited-time offers that are created through ONE’s unique software platform. Using the app, authors and publishers create “smart links'' that dictate the way users engage with the content. 

Some of the features available in the app:

  • Set a timeframe the content can be accessed
  • Allow downloads of the audio tracks
  • Choose which audio tracks can be listened to (i.e. the first three tracks are free)
  • Limit the number of users who can access the content
  • Password protect the content
  • Add additional bonus material on the fly (audio from courses, podcasts, author commentary, etc.)
  • Limit the signup frame 
  • And much, much more!

VIEW: ONE App demo

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