Upload an Audiobook
Create a Book
- From the Books section of your dashboard, click + NEW BOOK
- Enter the details of the title, including:
- Product Type (audiobook, podcast, etc.)
- Title
- Subtitle (if applicable)
- Runtime
- Format (unabridged, abridged)
- Language (English is selected by default)
- Release date
- Digital Listing Price
- Cover Image
- Author(s)
- Narrator(s)
- Publisher
- Category tags (Inspirational, Leadership, etc.)
- Click “SAVE”
Uploading Audio Files
- From the landing page of the book, click + TRACKS
Select the tracks to upload (hint: you can select more than one by holding Ctrl)
- After a track has been uploaded, you can rename or reorder it by clicking the three dots next to the track
- Indicate the sample track by clicking the three dots
and selecting “mark as sample track”
Next step: create a giveaway or promotion
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